Frank Vitale – President/Founder

A creative, articulate, passionate teacher, facilitator, and coach, Frank Vitale has a well-earned reputation for being a powerful advocate for young people and a phenomenal mentor for emerging education leaders. As the President of True Success Education in North Dallas, Texas, he brings his extensive experience skillfully training and supporting youth, educators, and parents in a wide range of settings in and out of the classroom.

There is nothing more inspiring for Frank than to enthusiastically witness and support his clients to gain greater awareness about themselves and their abilities, overcome personal challenges, then in turn help to transform the lives of others.

Following a successful business technology career, Frank heeded his true calling as an educator, choosing to teach in the challenging environment of large urban middle and high schools in the Los Angeles (California) Unified School District. From the outset, he demonstrated an exceptional talent for inspiring others to achieve their academic and career goals through greater self-awareness and self-actualization.

Frank’s skills in the classroom and numerous school leadership positions led him to the position of Program Director with the EduCare Foundation, a non-profit educational organization in Los Angeles. During eight years in this role, he helped to establish many new models and deliverables in the field of transformational education and leadership development. As a Senior Facilitator, Frank masterfully led hundreds of youth and professional development seminars locally and internationally, for students, teachers, and parents, and also trained other facilitators.

In conjunction with his work through True Success Education, Frank continues to serves as a youth facilitator for such transformational organizations as Insight Seminars, Courageous Hearts, and others.

Frank earned his Secondary Teaching Credential in Health from the University of California Los Angeles, a Masters in Spiritual Psychology from the University of Santa Monica, and a BA in Psychology from University of California, San Diego. He resides in Plano, Texas, with his wife, Harpreet, and two daughters, Lily and Alana.

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Frank Vitale

2010.04.14 Eliana

Eliana Farias

Senior Facilitator

Dale Kitchell

Senior Facilitator

Malaika Mitchell

Senior Facilitator